Mount Jubilee Ministries Announces New Executive Director

Mount Jubilee Ministries Announces New Executive Director

Mount Jubilee Ministries is excited to introduce our new executive director, Jessie Meador, who will begin leading the team October 23, 2023. Jessie comes to MJM with 13 years of business strategy experience, with the last eight years in various leadership roles at...
Press Release: MJM Announces New Program Director

Press Release: MJM Announces New Program Director

Press Release: MJM Announces New Program Director Mount Jubilee Ministries is happy to introduce our new Program Director, Angelica Villalta. Though born in America, Angelica was raised in El Salvador.  After moving back to the United States (Thomasville, NC),...
Press Release: Bryanna Receives the Jabe Wilhoit Award!

Press Release: Bryanna Receives the Jabe Wilhoit Award!

Press Release: Bryanna Kennedy Receives Wilhoit Award Camp Jubilee has been blessed with the most amazing counselor volunteers over the years. One of whom was Jabe Wilhoit, who served at Camp Jubilee for two summers before the Lord brought him home to glory following...
Press Release: Camp Jubilee 2023!

Press Release: Camp Jubilee 2023!

Camp Jubilee 2023 – Showers of Blessing On Sunday afternoon, June 18th, 52 campers from across the Piedmont, Florida, and Virginia convened at Betsy Jeff Penn 4 H Educational Center for that most magical week of the year – Camp Jubilee.  Over 70...
We Did It!

We Did It!

Once again, our community has wrapped its arms around Mount Jubilee Ministries in an unprecedented way. On December 1, 2022, we launched our “Everyone Deserves a Job” capital campaign. The goal was to raise $250,000 in just 2 months. It took 2 weeks longer...
MJM goes to Texas for Social Enterprise Ideas!

MJM goes to Texas for Social Enterprise Ideas!

Since our inception, Mount Jubilee Ministries has had a strong desire to provide meaningful work opportunities for our friends with special needs. Over the years, we have studied and researched programs all across the nation to find the best fit for our program,...
His Path Update

His Path Update

Through the eyes of the MJM Program Director…. The poem by Corrie ten Boom, “My life is but a weaving between my God and me” continues to echo in my mind as I reflect on all of the happenings with MJM this Summer and Fall. You could easily say, “Mount Jubilee...
Resource Development Report

Resource Development Report

People are investing in Mount Jubilee Ministries and we could not be happier or more grateful. The mission of MJM is to offer dynamic Christ-centered programs for adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and because of our grassroot donor base made up...
Meet the Director of Operations – David Cullen

Meet the Director of Operations – David Cullen

The humorous comment that always comes to mind when recounting my becoming Director of Operations with Mount Jubilee Ministries is that “here, there is plenty of room for growth.”  You see, the story of my involvement with MJM began back in 2012 with rather...
Executive Director Report

Executive Director Report

Dear MJM Family and Stakeholders, With the seasons changing quickly, reflection on the provision and protection of the Lord for the work of Mount Jubilee Ministries is at the forefront of my mind. Daily we stand in awe at how the Lord is working in our midst. To...